Drone Flying Safety Tips

Drone Flying Safety Tips

FPV drones have a wide range of applications and provide a unique and exciting experience to the flyers. However, while flying these drones, it’s equally important to be vigilant of your safety as well as the safety of other people around you. Let’s look at some ways through which we can fly our FPV drones safely:

  • Be aware of the rules and regulations in your area - As a responsible FPV drone flyer, you should always be aware of flying rules in your area. There could be altitude limits, to know more about the rules, you can read our blog  The Legalities of FPV Drone Flying - A Recreational Flying Guide
  • Maintain Your Visual Line of Sight - FPV drones provide an actual pilot view to the flyers, but this could be dangerous if you move away from your visual line of sight and are not aware of the obstacles. Thus, it’s important to always be within your visual line of sight.
  • Fly Responsibly - You need to be vigilant of private properties and wildlife around. Respecting people’s privacy should be on your priority list while flying drones. Do not fly over sensitive areas like schools, wildlife sanctuaries, or airports. 
  • Be Prepared for Emergencies - Emergencies like low battery, obstacle hit or crash may happen at any time. Thus, you must be always prepared for such situations by keeping extra supplies. 
  • Altitude Matters - Do not fly your drones above 400 feet from the ground. Invest in good quality FPV drones which would indicate you in case you’re flying too high.

  • Happy Flying!

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